. This location is known primarily for tandem flights, but is also of considerable interest for solo flights.
. This location is known primarily for tandem flights, but is also of considerable interest for solo flights.
The safest and proven start place. In good weather the wind always blows from the east. After the start, you are immediately in thermals and you can ascend the cliffs up to 3000 m. The thermals at this location are quite soft, good soaring conditions without turbulence. The start only works in summer and autumn (in winter and spring it is covered with snow).
This is the favorite start place for tandems. Ideal for quick starts with landing back at the start. Extremely dangerous place to fly, since below the start there are more than 400 meters of vertical black cliffs. The thermals are sharp, uneven and narrow. It is recommended to fly more than 100 meters above the start. Lower flights often lead to wing collapse, even for tandems. In the event of a flight down the gorge, there is a landing at the bottom on the road (this can be complicated by valley winds). The start only works in summer and autumn. In winter and spring it is covered with snow.
This start place is ideal in every respect for starts in winter and spring. Very suitable for setting out on longer flights in March-April. The thermals in this location are soft due to the large amount of snow. In summer and autumn the start is not used.
In winter and spring, the standard landing point is at the bottom of the second line of the chairlift. There is also a landing point beneath the cable car station that can be used. If the weather is unfavorable, you can land at the bottom of the Aragvi canyon on the road leading to the reservoir.
In the summer and autumn periods, the standard landing point is at the start or down the Aragvi canyon on the road.
The standard landing point for the Bidar start is the area below the start (this is the safest place).
Gudauri is a ski resort with a wide choice of accommodation. Most of them can be found on booking.com.